Wyoming Stargazing

PO Box 9584Jackson, WY83001

Public Stargazing Programs

We make the Universe come alive... FREE for Everyone! Wyoming Stargazing offers weekly, year-round, public stargazing events on CLEAR Thursdays beginning approx. one hour after sunset at Rendezvous Park in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (when the temperature is above zero degrees Fahrenheit!). $10/Person Suggested Donation Online.  We’ll show you star clusters, galaxies, comets, and more. You can ask all your burning questions about the Cosmos during the program. Throughout the summer, Wyoming Stargazing also offers free solar astronomy programs at the Peoples’ Market Wednesdays from 4pm-7pm, June 5th-Sept. 25th at 280 S. Glenwood St. Private Stargazing and Photography Tours are available at your convenience. Let us come to your private residence or bring you to a dark sky location within Grand Teton National Park.